Are you looking to ignite your Vibrancy and live a full life?

Trauma informed embodiment guide using yoga, sound healing, de-armouring bodywork. I take you on a transformational journey to break free from self sabotaging patterns or expressions of trauma.

Learn to inhabit your  body, developing inner safety rather than outer armouring or dissociation. Expand your capacity to make choices that align with your authentic self.

How to work with me

healing night sky sorayayoga


Yoga Retreats & Workshops 2024

Yoga, Hiking and Self Enquiry

  • Off -grid living, connection in a disconnected world. Join us and 11 other adventurous souls for a totally unique experience, move from the “doing world” and step into a slower, connected “being” world, in the embrace of our secluded mountain retreat

    Join for one week or three!!

  • 20 - 26 July

    3 August - 9 August

    11 August - 17 August

Women’s Weekend Retreat for Beltane

  • Empower your Authentic Self, a retreat of somatic movement and enquiry, women’s circles, dance and wild swimming, celebration

Day Retreat for Women

  • Do you find yourself putting YOU to the back of the queue and everyone else in your life infant of you? Come and join our experiential day combining discussion, somatic movement and enquiry, nurture and delicious soul food.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Restorative Yoga

  • Restorative Yoga beckons us into a caring environment where the focus is on embracing the present moment, valuing BEING over incessant doing.

Why work with me